Sunday, April 22, 2012

Isn't this still America?

If you Obama supporters honestly belief that everyone should be forced to live by Obama's Socialist values you should move to Saudi Arabia or Iran. If you believe in freedom and you want to be free - you need to understand that others have freedom as well. They have the freedom to do and say things that you don't approve of. And that includes how and what we and our children eat, smoke, drive and live. And if we want abortions or contraception's or whatever. We don't need Barack Obama or Moocheel to mandate anything we do.
When Michelle Obama told us we needed to eat healthy food, I didn’t care until they started replacing the lunches I had packed for my child and telling me what I should give my child to eat. 

The First Amendment is being dismantled right before our eyes.This is reminiscent of what Fidel Castro did in Cuba.
Our Fascist dictator who ignores the constitution is taking control of everyone's life.
We, the People, need to wake up and take back our country.
Do not let this Administration do any more damage to our beloved country.



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